Stay Current on Resident and Staff COVID-19 Vaccinations

As cases of COVID-19 continue to rise throughout the country, it’s important that long term care facilities and communities encourage staff and residents to stay up to date on their vaccination status. The CDC defines up to date as having received all doses in the primary series and all boosters recommended, when eligible. Most recently, people over 50 are recommended to receive a second booster of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at least four months after their first booster.

Find out more by going to

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is June 15th

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) was launched on June 15, 2006 by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization at the United Nations.

The purpose of WEAAD is to provide an opportunity for communities around the world to promote a better understanding of abuse and neglect of older persons by raising awareness of the cultural, social, economic and demographic processes affecting elder abuse and neglect.

In addition, WEAAD is in support of the United Nations International Plan of Action acknowledging the significance of elder abuse as a public health and human rights issue. WEAAD serves as a call-to-action for individuals, organizations, and communities to raise awareness about elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

Visit the WEAAD microsite to learn more

AHCA/NCAL’s Gero Nurse Prep Spring Sale Ends May 31!

Don’t miss your chance to save $200 off the AHCA/NCAL’s Gero Nurse Prep course with promo code QUALITYRN22 (all caps).

Find out what Gero Nurse Prep can do for you by going to

Gero Nurse Prep is On Sale and Delivers the Knowledge That Can Improve Outcomes!

Save $200 off the AHCA/NCAL’s Gero Nurse Prep course through May 31, 2022, with promo code QUALITYRN22 (all caps). Specifically designed for registered nurses working in long term care, this curriculum provides comprehensive online training that leads to board certification in gerontological nursing by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) for RNs.

Research released by AHCA/NCAL in 2019 found compelling reasons to consider the Gero Nurse Prep course and ANCC Board certification for RNs. Nursing facilities with at least one ANCC Board certified RN experienced:

  • Two fewer deficiencies on average (5.71 citations versus the 7.55 national average)
  • Fewer Immediate Jeopardy (IJ) citations (1.60 versus the 2.27 national average)
  • More stars — nearly twice as likely to be a CMS 5-Star facility (50% versus the 28% national average)
  • Significantly lower re-hospitalization rates
  • Significantly lower rates of off-label use of antipsychotics
  • Significantly higher average SNF Value Based Purchasing scores (44.17 versus 34.42 for the nation).

National Nurses Month Continues

The American Nurses Association selected the evergreen theme, Nurses Make a Difference to honor the varying roles of nurses and their positive impact on our lives. As part of the celebration, they’ve divided the month into four weekly focus areas — Self-Care, Recognition, Professional Development, and Community Engagement, and provided resources for each week.

Find out more at

National Nurses Week Deals and Freebies!

National Nurses Week runs from May 6 to May 12, with National Nurses Day falling on May 6. It couldn’t be a better and more-deserving time to send an extra thank-you to nurses across the country who are on the front lines of the COVID-19 response and taking care of us every day.

To celebrate their hard work and dedication, these restaurants and retailers are offering special discounts and deals for nurses and health care workers.

For a list of deals and freebies go to 

Announcing AHCA/NCAL’s Spring Sale on Gero Nurse Prep

Save $200 off the AHCA/NCAL’s Gero Nurse Prep course​ through May 31, 2022, with promo code QUALITYRN22 (all caps). Specifically designed for registered nurses working in long term care, this curriculum provides comprehensive online training that leads to board certification in gerontological nursing​ by the America​n Nurses Credentialing Center​ (ANCC) for RNs.

Research released by AHCA/NCAL in 2019 found compelling reasons to consider the Gero Nurse Prep course and ANCC Board certification for RNs. Nursing facilities with at least one ANCC Board certified RN experienced:

  • ​Two fewer deficiencies on average (5.71 citations versus the 7.55 national average)
  • Fewer Immediate Jeopardy (IJ) citations (1.60 versus the 2.27 national average)
  • More stars — nearly twice as likely to be a CMS 5-Star facility (50% versus the 28% national average)
  • Significantly lower re-hospitalization rates
  • Significantly lower rates of off-label use of antipsychotics
  • Significantly higher average SNF Value Based Purchasing scores (44.17 versus 34.42 for the nation)
Gero Nurse Prep also makes a big difference even for those RNs who are not interested in pursuing ANCC Board certification. Nurses who complete Gero Nurse Prep show an average 24 percent increase between their pre- and post-course test scores. The course delivers smarter RNs who are better prepared to deliver quality geriatric nursing care in skilled nursing and assisted living settings. Both two-year RNs and BSNs can take this course and sit for the ANCC exam.
RNs have one year to complete the course and earn 30 quality nursing contact hours – enough to meet the criteria for taking the ANCC certification exam. Gero Nurse Prep grads who choose to sit for the ANCC gerontological nursing certification exam (a $395 separate fee paid to ANCC) have a pass rate of 95% on their first try. RNs who pass the ANCC exam can then use the GERO-BC™ credential after their RN credential.
Watch this video​ or visit the website at​ to learn more about this online program designed to help RNs increase their geriatric nursing skills and to pass the ANCC exam. Don’t forget to use the QUALITYRN22 promo code when you register by May 31 to save $200 off the regular $790 Gero Nurse Prep

Hot and Relevant Topics Covered at 2022 Quality Summit

​Programming for the 2022 AHCA/NCAL Quality Summit is designed for quality practitioners at all levels. From sessions showcasing innovative practices of providers across the country and peer-to-peer idea exchanges, to new solutions from sponsor partners and dynamic keynote speakers, you will leave with fresh ideas that you can implement as soon as you return to your centers and communities. Attendees can earn up to 11 CEs.

The deadline to register is May 5, so don’t delay! 

Careers in Aging Week April 17-23, 2022.

The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) hosts Careers in Aging Week every year to raise awareness about the diverse careers available in the field of aging.

People are living longer and populations are aging worldwide. The demand for professionals with expertise in aging is growing rapidly. Careers in Aging Week (CIAW) is observed every year by businesses, clinics, coalitions, organizations, universities, colleges, and other parties across the world. The goal of CIAW is to bring greater awareness and visibility to the wide-ranging career opportunities in the field of aging.

For Careers in Aging Week materials, including GSA’s Careers in Aging Week toolkit, please go to