In its first ever digital issue, Provider reports on how COVID-19 has changed the supply and demand of telehealth services in long term and post-acute care. Read more here. []
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Wishing You All the Best This Holiday Season!
From the faculty and staff of the AHCA/NCAL Gero Nurse Prep program.
It’s All About the Outcomes!
And SNF RNs Trained in Gerontological Nursing Get Better Patient Outcomes!
- Higher average SNF VBP Performance Scores (44.2 versus 34.4 national average)
- Fewer survey deficiencies
- Fewer IJ citations
- Lower rehospitalization rates
- Lower rates of off-label use of antipsychotics
- Higher CMS 5-Star ratings
The RN Piece of the Quality Puzzle Makes All the Difference!
- Higher average SNF VBP Performance Scores (44.2 versus 34.4 national average)
- Fewer survey deficiencies
- Fewer IJ citations
- Lower rehospitalization rates
- Lower rates of off-label use of antipsychotics
- Higher CMS 5-Star rating
To help RNs prepare for the certification exam, AHCA/NCAL offers an online course developed and managed by UNMC’s College of Nursing called Gero Nurse Prep. RNs who complete the course earn 30 nursing contact hours and experience a 96% pass rate on the ANCC certification exam on the first try. Gero Nurse Prep students see a whopping 24 percent average increase between their pre- and post-test scores.
Gero Nurse Prep is on sale through November 15! Save $100 off the regular registration fee by using promo code GETGNP20 (all caps). AHCA/NCAL Gero Nurse Prep provides tremendous value at this AHCA/NCAL member $590 sale price. That’s less than $20 per contact hour for outstanding nursing education that makes a measurable difference on so many fronts. For RNs interested in pursuing Board certification through ANCC, there is an additional and separate cost of $395.
Find out more at!-.aspx
FAQs: Nursing Home Testing Requirements
Frequently asked questions and quick links to COVID-19 testing requirements for nursing homes brought to you by AHCA/NCAL.
Providers and Pressure Injuries
Join RN HUDDLE for a new series with the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel. In this episode, we welcome back Renee Paulin, MSN, RN, CWOCN, as she joins a member of the NPIAP Board of Directors and Chair of the NPIAP Education Committee, Dr. Lee Ruotsi. Renee and Dr. Ruotsi discuss the essential responsibility all providers and clinicians have to combat pressure injuries. Keep an eye out for future episodes with others from NPIAP.
Learn more about the National Pressure Advisory Panel by going to
LTC Facilities Should Strictly Adhere To CDC’s COVID-19 Guidelines As Much As Feasible
Post Pandemic Litigation For Skilled Care And Assisted Living Facilities has already begun. Find out what facilities should do to protect themselves.
Providers Plug In: Telehealth Catches On
As the pandemic sweeps the nation, providers accelerate their telehealth plans.
Uncomfortable Truths
The coronavirus pandemic has exposed many uncomfortable truths about serving seniors.
The worst isn’t that long-term care providers are prioritized way behind hospitals in funding and all around perception. No, the most brutal truth is that ageism is thoroughly soaked into the collective U.S. mind.
Federal Help Falters as Nursing Homes Run Short of Protective Equipment
Around the country, nursing homes trying to protect their residents from the coronavirus eagerly await boxes of masks, eyewear and gowns promised by the federal government. But all too often the packages deliver disappointment — if they arrive at all.
Read the full article at