Proposed Minimum staffing requirements for SNFs from CMS – What You Need to Know!

Thanks to one of our alert Gero Nurse Prep students for reminding us of the importance of this pending regulation.

To get the Fast Facts on the implications of  this unfunded mandate, go here:

AHCA/NCAL has set a goal of submitting more than 10,000 comments on this proposed rule between now and November 6th. To make your voice heard, go to: []

When Residents Bring Substance Use Disorders with Them.

Facilities, staff, and families must work together to recognize and treat addiction and substance use disorders in LTC communities. Individualized plans are needed to provide necessary pain management without giving in to drug-seeking behaviors.

The Ongoing War on Infections

Infectious diseases will continue to present challenges for long term care. While vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 have had a positive impact, antibiotic-resistant bacteria and other infections are creating concerns and demanding attention. The good news is that we know more than ever about infection prevention and control, and there are a plethora of tools, resources, and best practices to rely on.

Learn more at

Innovative Solutions for Challenges in Infection Prevention and Control

Infection prevention in skilled nursing facilities is essential for the safety of residents, staff, and visitors to minimize the communal spread of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). These facilities are home to some of our most vulnerable populations, including older adults and individuals with typically at least one chronic medical condition.


AHCA Publishes New Behavioral Health Resource

AHCA’s Clinical Practice Committee has published a Quick Guide to Behavioral Health Resources in LTC. This guide provides a comprehensive list of free Behavioral Health resources for Long Term Care (LTC) providers. LTC providers seeking assistance and support on promoting or managing behavioral health issues among residents are encouraged to check out this guide​.
These resources can be used directly by the facility and shared with residents and their families. ​

Bullying Among Seniors: A Prevention and Surveillance Guide – Updated Resource!

Bullying isn’t limited to the playground. Assisted living communities care for millions of seniors with diverse backgrounds and unique needs and behaviors. Bullying and its adverse effects have received greater focus in recent years, creating a need to have systems and processes in place to prevent bullying among seniors living in long term care.
For this reason, NCAL has updated the Bullying Among Seniors: A Prevention and Surveillance Guide. This guide will help organizations understand:
  • What bullying is
  • How to identify bullying
  • Why bullying might occur
  • Victim risk factors
  • How to create a positive environment
  • How to respond to incidents of bullying

CMS Creates a SNF 5-Claim Probe and Educate Review Webpage

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced the start of the SNF (skilled nursing facility) 5-Claim Probe & Educate Review program. As part of the effort to lower the SNF improper payment rate, Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) will be reviewing a small number of claims from every Medicare-billing SNF in the country. The SNF will then be offered education to address any errors identified, helping them to avoid future claim denials and adjustments.

Find out more by going to

The Spring Gero Nurse Prep Sale is Almost Over!

The American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living’s Gero Nurse Prep course significantly increases RNs’ gerontological nursing competency test scores. Registrant’s can save $200 on Gero Nurse Prep through June 1, 2023 with promo code GNP4QUALITY (all caps).​

Specifically designed for registered nurses working in long term care, this curriculum provides comprehensive online training that leads to board certification in gerontological nursing by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) for RNs.

Repeated research conducted by AHCA/NCAL since 2016 finds compelling reasons to consider the Gero Nurse Prep course and ANCC Board certification for RNs. Nursing facilities with at least one ANCC Board certified RN experienced:
  • Fewer deficiencies on average
  • Fewer Immediate Jeopardy (IJ) citations
  • More stars — nearly twice as likely to be a CMS 5-Star facility
  • Lower re-hospitalization rates
Gero Nurse Prep makes a big difference even for those RNs who are not interested in pursuing ANCC Board certification. Nurses who complete Gero Nurse Prep show an average 24 percent increase between their pre- and post-course test scores. Quite simply, Gero Nurse Prep delivers smarter RNs who are better prepared to deliver quality geriatric nursing care in skilled nursing and assisted living settings. Both two-year RNs and BSNs can take the Gero Nurse Prep course and sit for the ANCC exam.
RNs have one year to complete Gero Nurse Prep and earn 30 quality nursing contact hours – enough to meet the criteria for taking the ANCC certification exam. Gero Nurse Prep grads who choose to sit for the ANCC gerontological nursing certification exam ($395 separate fee paid to ANCC) have a pass rate of 95% on their first try. RNs who pass the ANCC exam can then use the GERO-BC™ credential after their RN credential.
Watch this video or visit the website at to learn more about this online program designed to help RNs increase their geriatric nursing skills and to pass the ANCC exam. And don’t forget to use the GNP4QUALITY promo code when registering by June 1 to save $200 off the regular $790 Gero Nurse Prep registration fee.

The Quality of Your Care Is Connected to the Competency of Your Staff

The safety of a health care facility is completely dependent upon the competency of its staff.

This may seem like an obvious observation, but this is a challenge health care organizations face every day. They must provide life-saving care to their patients while also simultaneously advocating for their employees’ competence and well-being. If one of these areas slips, the other one suffers. And when the lives of patients are in your hands, your facility cannot afford not to prioritize competency-based staffing.

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