SPIKES – A Six-Step Protocol for Delivering Bad News

It’s 9:00AM and you are headed to your patient’s room where he and his family await news on the results of a recent test. Despite being optimistic, the outcome is not what anyone wanted. How prepared are you to communicate with your patient and his family on this? Would you like to be able to support the patient with empathy? Would you like to have the skills to develop a treatment plan at this critical moment?

A FREE online training module “SPIKES – A Six-Step Protocol for Delivering Bad News” will provide you with the tools you need to enhance your confidence. Videos are provided that demonstrate the application of this protocol and you will also be able to see patient/family reaction when news is delivered in an insensitive manner versus using the protocol. This online resource is available 24/7 and provides 1.0 contact hour under ANCC criteria.

 Improve your skills today! Sign up at: http://app1.unmc.edu/nursing/16CN098/index.cfm

 The University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing Continuing Nursing Education is accredited with distinction as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.






New Pressure Injury Presentation Added to Gero Nurse Prep

Gero Nurse Prep is pleased to announce that we have added material to our Module 7 section on Integument. Gero Nurse Prep faculty and internationally recognized wound specialist and researcher Dr. Joyce Black, was a key author of the updated 2016 National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Council Pressure Injury Guidelines. Dr. Black has put together a presentation for you based on the official NPUAC resources that provides an overview of these new guidelines, to include definitions, staging, and documentation of pressure injury. Check it out today in Module 7!

#pressureulcers  #pressureinjuries #NPUAP

Dr. Heidi Keeler at the AHCA/NCAL Convention

Dr. Heidi Keeler prepares to welcome visitors to the Gero Nurse Prep Booth at the AHCA/NCAL Convention. Those who stopped by received the latest information on how ANCC board certification can help them “See More Stars.”



#LTCTN, #geronurseprep



ANCC Board Certified RNs Offer Pathway to Lower Rehospitalization Rates

Visit Dr. Heidi Keeler in Booth 710 at the AHCA/NCAL Expo Hall in Nashville to learn more about the AHCA/NCAL Gero Nurse Prep program and the positive impact ANCC RN certification can have on quality outcomes in long term care facilities.


UNMC gerontology nursing program ranked nationally

Wow! We are so proud of our gerontology program here at Gero Nurse Prep! We continually collaborate within our faculty team to produce our course material. You can rest easy knowing that you are receiving information from faculty who are nationally recognized and experienced in caring for elders.

Read more about it here: http://www.unmc.edu/news.cfm?match=17674