Weight and Health in Older Adults

Some challenging news from top experts in elder care-see what they are saying about weight and health in older adults.

Diabetes appears to be loosening its awful grip on the elderly, and one leading geriatrician is hoping that caretakers will reassess their tactics in the battle of the bulge.

A report earlier this year found that the worst complications of elderly diabetes fell off dramatically between 1990 and 2010. Many factors might account for it, St. Louis University School of Medicine Professor John Morley says in a new editorial, but there is “one factor that can clearly be excluded”—obesity.

Geriatrician Urges 'Rethinking' of Elderly Obesity
Geriatrician Urges ‘Rethinking’ of Elderly Obesity

“In addition, there is evidence in nondiabetic individuals that obesity may be slightly protective,” Morley writes. “There is also evidence that weight loss may accelerate mortality in older persons with diabetes mellitus. This has been termed the obesity paradox.”

Read more about it here – http://www.providermagazine.com/news/Pages/0714/Geriatrician-Urges-%27Rethinking%27-of-Elderly-Obesity.aspx

Elder Abuse

The National Administration on Aging, through the National Center on Elder Abuse, has released a report on the Elder Justice Road map Project, aimed at preventing elder abuse. I highly recommend you read about this project, at the least look over the executive summary.

Click image for more information
Click image for more information

I have no doubt the fruits of this effort will trickle down to impact your care giving roles, and will produce helpful resources as well. See this link to learn more: http://www.aginginplace.org/guide-to-recognizing-elder-abuse/

Must have a Plan

Planning Ahead

A discussion of topical issues for anyone concerned with the final phase of life by Muriel R. Gillick, MD 



Image source : http://www.benefitspro.com

April 16 – It was officially the day Americans were made-up to remember to complete an advance directive.

Nobody put much consideration to National Healthcare Decision Day since it came just after the anniversary of Boston Marathon bombing or possibly Americans were overburdened by holiday work.

A new study published this month in the journal of the American Geriatrics Society the main focus was – how many people have an advance directive and how has this changed over the past 10 years? But this study has some major limitations-

  • Only includes people who died and relies on the testimony of relative or friend.
  • It was restricted to people over age 60.

Author of current study conclude that having an advance directive is correlated to one’s wishes for end-of-life care are followed. It was based on the report which states that the person who died had actually wanted. Also National Healthcare Decisions Day was ignored by media because it was surpassed by the other more exciting events or  because it continues to pay attention on a form, on finalizing a legal document, rather than on addressing head on what is most important to us in the last year or two or five of life, on the decisions that will matter most in life’s last stage, however long that lasts.

Read more about it: http://blog.drmurielgillick.com/2014/04/planning-ahead.html


Need for Individualized Plans of Care

Geriatrics would be a good deal easier if every older person suffered from just one medical condition. But most elderly people have more than one chronic disease and the older they are, the more chronic conditions they are likely to have. Since “multiple chronic conditions” is a mouthful, researchers coined the term “multimorbidity,” an only slightly less awkward way of expressing what is probably one of the most critical features of geriatric existence. It’s so critical because the best medical treatment, known as “evidence-based medicine,” is founded on studies of patients who don’t have multimorbidity at all. They are generally perfectly healthy except for the single disease being studied. So when we tell a patient that “studies show’ that blood pressure should be below 140 and that the best medication to take if the blood pressure is elevated is a diuretic, we mean that if the only problem is high blood pressure, then taking the diuretic is the best way to lower the risk of bad outcomes such as strokes and heart attacks. But if the patient also has another chronic condition, say Parkinson’s disease, which is being treated with the medication L-dopa (Sinemet), then giving that patient a diuretic to lower blood pressure could backfire—long before any heart attacks or strokes were prevented, the patient might fall down (both L-dopa and diuretics contribute to sudden falls in blood pressure when a person stands up) and break a hip. Simply assuming it makes sense to apply multiple guidelines to a patient with multiple problems can result in medication lists a mile long that cost a fortune and that cause more problems than they solve. So multimorbidity is a big deal in geriatrics. Now, for the first time, multimorbidity is getting the attention it deserves.

Image Source: Google Images
Image Source: Google Images

A couple of years ago, the American Geriatrics Society set up a task force to develop an approach to multimorbidity for physicians. This group generated a report that lays out the basic principles that should underlie care for a patient with multiple chronic conditions. And a recent symposium brought together physicians and researchers from a variety of backgrounds to come up with strategies for generating a better evidence base, for designing new guidelines, and for carrying out appropriate systematic reviews for patients with multimorbidity. The results of the symposium are published as 3 articles along with an editorial in the April issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

Read more about it – http://blog.drmurielgillick.com/2014/04/lots-lumps.html

Obamacare cuts home healthcare for millions of seniors

According to WashingtonTimes.com- President Obama’s mendacious political promise, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” continues to cast a long and disturbing shadow of doubt and confusion over millions of Americans who have lost coverage as a result of Obamacare. As 2014 unfolds, the most vulnerable senior citizens — those who receive home health care services — are about to learn they are out of luck. Obamacare opens a trap door under them, leaving this elderly population in freefall — with many citizens losing access to home health care.

Image source: Google Images
Image source: Google Images

Add another compelling reason to reverse Obamacare. Whether by accident or intention, the “Affordable Care Act” empirically strips America’s oldest and poorest cohort, all part of the World War II generation, of this basic coverage. Here is how.

Read more here- WashingtonTimes.com

Enjoy $100 off the course fee! Hurry! Offer ends March 31, 2014!



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  • We have over 700 RNs enrolled in Gero Nurse Prep and alums have a 99% pass rate on the ANCC certification exam.

More information:

Best Regards,

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College of Nursing, UNMC

Have Any Questions?

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This one is a MUST read!

Getting Autonomy Right

My father will be 90 next month. He lives in a nursing home because he needs help with all the most basic tasks—eating, dressing, bathing, walking. But my father also has dementia, which has been getting worse, as dementia generally does. As a geriatrician, I know that one of the few ways to make a person with dementia better is to take away any medications that might be contributing to the cognitive impairment. So when I realized my father was still taking a small dose of the tranquilizer valium (diazepam) every day, I suggested it be stopped. I was stunned when my father’s doctor called me to say he felt stopping the valium posed an ethical dilemma.

An ethical dilemma? Valium is on the most widely recognized list of medications that are generally inappropriate for use in older people. The American Geriatrics Society recommends against prescribing valium in the elderly because the drug accumulates in the body, takes days to weeks to be eliminated from the system, and is notorious for causing confusion and lethargy, especially in people with dementia. Now guidelines and recommendations are not absolute.


Valium has not been taken off the market by the FDA. And my father is only on a low dose of the medicine. For years, he was on a far higher dose because it helped control his debilitating panic attacks. When I was growing up, he used to have panic attacks every few weeks, even with high dose valium, but the attacks were far worse without the valium. Multiple efforts to find another drug that was equally beneficial without potential side effects had failed, so my father stayed on valium. Over the last few years, his doctors have tapered the dose, but they never stopped the drug entirely. Since entering the nursing home 2.5 years ago, he has remained on valium even though he hasn’t had a single panic attack. And now he is sleepy much of the time—he can’t keep his eyes open when you try to talk to him—and is more confused than ever.

Why, then, was stopping valium ethically problematic? It might seem, by contrast, that continuing a drug that every geriatric authority deems pernicious is what is ethically problematic. But it turns out that 1.5 years ago, when my father’s mental faculties were better than they are now, though hardly normal, he told his physician that he wanted to stay on valium. So in the view of that same physician, stopping the medication now would be a violation of the all-important ethical principle of respecting autonomy.

Now I’m all for respecting a patient’s right to make medical decisions for himself. But making a medical decision assumes the patient has the capacity to weigh the risks and benefits of the treatment. And I am quite confident that my father, who is unaware that he even has cognitive impairment, can understand that valium could be worsening his cognitive impairment. I am sure that my father, who does not remember what he had for breakfast or even if he had breakfast, has no recollection of when he last had a panic attack. He is simply unable to evaluate the situation, and to rely on the opinion he had 1.5 years ago (assuming he understood the issues then, which is another matter), is absurd. “Respect for autonomy” is not equivalent to “the customer is always right.” It is not respectful of a person’s right to determine what happens to his body for a physician to mindlessly follow the dictates of the patient. When a cancer patient declines potentially life-prolonging treatment, should his oncologist accede to his wishes without first being sure the patient understood both what would happen if he got the treatment and what would happen if he didn’t?

Read more about it:http://blog.drmurielgillick.com/2014/03/getting-autonomy-right.html

Nursing fall offs is the cause of higher patient death rates

A major study has found that nursing fall offs is the cause of higher patient death rates in hospitals.26 February, 2014 | By The Press Association


 According to the data from 300 European hospitals in nine countries  the risk of death within a month of surgery is 7% for every extra patient  added to a nurse workload. The research showed that poorly qualified  nurse has made the situation even worse. According to the researchers  the highest risk of death after surgery was found in hospitals where    nurses with lower levels of education cared for the most patients.

The Lancet journal, included figures for 30 English hospitals showing  that on average every one of their nurses looked after around nine  patients. Increase in 10% of nurses who are holding bachelor degree is  associated with 7% decrease in surgical death rates.


 image path:benchprep.com

In some other countries the patient-to-nurse ratio was significantly smaller. Researchers considered number of factors such as nurse workload, education and patient outcomes which can impact the result. These included factors such as the age and sex of patients, types of surgical procedure, chronic conditions, and the kind of technology available in a hospital.

“This research comprehensively rebuts the myth that degree-level education for nurses is a retrograde step”   Professor Ieuan Ellis

Read more about it: www.nursingtimes.net/nursing-practice/clinical-zones/patient-safety/nurse-cuts-linked-to-death-rates-says-major-study/5068387.article

Using RN Continuing Education as a Weapon Against Rising Costs and Threats to Quality

The “Using RN Continuing Education as a Weapon Against Rising Costs and Threats to Quality” webinar on Tuesday, March 18, from 2-3pm EST will focus on how the current LTC environment can be improved by an intentional, comprehensive continuing education program for RNs that prepares them to achieve Board Certification.

The modest investments LTC facility administrators have made in this program have had a positive impact on the LTC RN workforce, their effectiveness on the job, and their RN turnover rate in a LTC environment characterized by rising acuity of LTC patients, tighter reimbursements, and more stringent regulations. Administrators are finding that the benefits of this program to their residents and financial bottom line far outweigh its costs.

Using RN Continuing Education as a Weapon Against Rising Costs and Threats to Quality
Register here

Learning Objectives:

  1. Correlate the attainment of RN board certification with standards of clinical excellence
  2. Explore the relationships between comprehensive education,  RN retention, and overall quality of care outcomes
  3. Provide data supporting the business case of comprehensive RN education and professional development investment


Heidi Keeler
Assistant Professor
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Catherine Bevil
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Its a complimentary webinar with no registration fees required. Register here..

Issues in Long Term Care

In 2010, 40 million Americans were age 65 or older. By 2050 that number is expected to jump to 88 million. Among these older citizens, only three in 10 will never receive long-term care services. The majority will get such care—though not necessarily in a nursing home or assisted living facility. The current definition of long-term care includes services provided in the home by family members or paid caregivers. Adult day-care is also considered a form of long-term care.

The cost will be huge. In addition to the increase in the number of people over 65, the number of people 85 and older is also predicted to jump dramatically. This is the “frail elderly” group most likely to need long-term care. In 2010 there were 5.5 million of these older people, but by 2050 there will likely be 19 million.


These demographic shifts raise two questions. How will the nation decide to pay for that care? Will it be given in different ways and settings?

66% of people 65 and older can’t pay for even a year in a nursing home.

The demand for long-term care services will explode as the population ages and more people live longer with chronic conditions. Who will pay for these services and how will they be delivered?

Read more here….

Source: RWJF.org