Dr. Rosalind Wright of Unique Residential Care Center in Washington, D.C. talks about her facility’s journey in implementing INTERACT, evidence-based package of clinical, educational, and communication tools designed for nursing facilities to use to reduce potentially avoidable hospital admissions.
Tag: Dr.Rosalind Wright
Distinguished GeroNursePrep Alumn!
Nurses! We have a very distinguished GNP alumn who has recently been featured in Provider Magazine for her research on decubiti prevention! Dr.Rosalind Wright, RN-BC, DNP, RAC-CT, CNHA, has more than 30 years of leadership experience in long term care, acute care, and academia.

Wright serves as vice president of quality management for VMT Long Term Care Management and administrator of Unique Residential Care Center, a 230-bed skilled nursing facility, in Washington, D.C. She successfully administered her facility to a Five-Star nursing home rating from CMS.
Read all about her amazing project by clicking this link: Project: Zero Tolerance For Pressure Ulcers