Titled “Keeping People Connected: Innovative Methods Using an Infection Prevention & Control Mindset,” it can be found at:
Fair Treatment for Nursing Homes?
Nursing homes are massively underfunded yet tasked with providing care to more than 1.6 million mostly older, incredibly sick, usually post-acute care patients each year. Are they getting fair treatment in the media?
CMS Issues Nursing Home Reopening Recommendations for State and Local Officials.
Today, CMS provided recommendations [cl.exct.net] on a nursing home phased reopening for states. The recommendations cover the following items:
- Recommendations for testing residents and staff
- Dedicated space for cohorting residents with COVID-19
- Criteria for relaxing certain restrictions and mitigating the risk of resurgence
- Visitation and service considerations
- Restoration of survey activities
The guidance encourages state leaders to collaborate with the state survey agency and local health departments to decide how these criteria should be implemented. Given the critical importance in limiting COVID-19 exposure in nursing homes, CMS recommends that decisions on relaxing restrictions be made with careful review of the following facility-level, community, and state factors:
- Baseline test of all residents, weekly testing of all staff, practicing social distancing, and universal source control for residents and visitors (e.g., face coverings)
- Status of COVID-19 cases in the local community
- Status of COVID-19 cases in nursing homes
- Adequate staffing
- Access to adequate personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Local hospital capacity
Read the press release [cl.exct.net], guidance [cl.exct.net] and FAQs [cl.exct.net] from CMS.
CMS Issues Nursing Homes Best Practices Toolkit to Combat COVID-19
CMS released a new toolkit [cl.exct.net] intended to serve as a catalog of resources dedicated to addressing the specific challenges facing nursing homes as they combat COVID-19.
CMS says the toolkit provides resources and direction for quality improvement assistance and can help in the creation and implementation of strategies and interventions intended to manage and prevent the spread of COVID-19 within nursing homes. The toolkit outlines best practices for a variety of subjects ranging from infection control to workforce and staffing. It also provides contact information for organizations who stand ready to assist with the unique challenges posed by caring for individuals in long-term care settings.
National Skilled Nursing Care Week
NETEC Offers Free Education and Training
The National Emerging Special Pathogen Training and Education Center offers hands-on, real-world training through workshops offered several times a year. https://netec.org/training-2/
Also, take an online course for continuing education credit or view archived materials from previous on-site training via the NETEC eLearning Center.
Happy National Nurses Day!
May 6th is National Nurses Day. Find out more about the history of this yearly event and some ways to celebrate it at https://nationaltoday.com/national-nurses-day/
Making hospital transitions safer during the pandemic
Care providers can take action to make hospital and emergency room transfers safer for residents during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a group of eldercare experts.
These experts have published a comprehensive guideline on safe and effective transitions that includes the following checklist points (summarized):
- Medically stable patients who are appropriately isolated should not be transferred to the emergency department. Multidisciplinary teamwork can support providing care in place.
- Address advance care planning with every patient and family in the context of COVID-19.
- Carefully weigh the risks and benefits of transferring residents with a febrile respiratory illness to an emergency department. This includes an evaluation of the patient’s current state of health, patient-centered goals, and an assessment of prognosis in the context of COVID-19 illness.
- Consider “forward triage” when considering patients for care transitions. This involves assessing the resident’s level of acuity. This should involve a conversation with the receiving emergency department physician.
- Warm hand-offs are critical. Nursing home and emergency department providers need to communicate prior to a transfer and as medical decisions are being made, including the ability of the nursing home to safely accept a returning resident.
Read the full article at https://www.mcknights.com/news/clinical-news/making-hospital-transitions-safer-during-the-pandemic/
Careers in Aging Week is April 19 to 25, 2020.
N95 Respirator Limited Reuse
This video demonstrates potential approaches for donning and doffing of an N95 filtering facepiece respirator in a Limited Reuse situation. This video was developed based on the CDC guidelines for NIOSH approved N95 respirators.