Nursing fall offs is the cause of higher patient death rates

A major study has found that nursing fall offs is the cause of higher patient death rates in hospitals.26 February, 2014 | By The Press Association


 According to the data from 300 European hospitals in nine countries  the risk of death within a month of surgery is 7% for every extra patient  added to a nurse workload. The research showed that poorly qualified  nurse has made the situation even worse. According to the researchers  the highest risk of death after surgery was found in hospitals where    nurses with lower levels of education cared for the most patients.

The Lancet journal, included figures for 30 English hospitals showing  that on average every one of their nurses looked after around nine  patients. Increase in 10% of nurses who are holding bachelor degree is  associated with 7% decrease in surgical death rates.



In some other countries the patient-to-nurse ratio was significantly smaller. Researchers considered number of factors such as nurse workload, education and patient outcomes which can impact the result. These included factors such as the age and sex of patients, types of surgical procedure, chronic conditions, and the kind of technology available in a hospital.

“This research comprehensively rebuts the myth that degree-level education for nurses is a retrograde step”   Professor Ieuan Ellis

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