Time for a Staff Empowerment Check

The pandemic hit staff hard. Personal protective equipment scarcity, staff shortages, required COVID-19 testing, working overtime, vaccine mandates—and the list goes on. Simply put, many staff feel disempowered. This feeling, if not addressed, can lead to further turnover.​

Staff empowerment, on the other hand, allows staff to make independent decisions and act on them. Empowered staff are valued and listened to. They stay with their current employers and encourage others to join the team. They have greater job satisfaction. They are happy and want to come to work.

Read more at https://www.providermagazine.com/Monthly-Issue/2021/November/Pages/Time-for-a-Staff-Empowerment-Check.aspx

Creating Seamless Transitions in Challenging Tımes

“The best transition of care is when there is no transition at all.” James Lett, MD, coined this maxim many years ago, and it’s still the mantra of post-acute and long term care providers.

“Of course, sometimes transitions are necessary, so we need to focus on doing this as seamlessly as possible,” says Rajeev Kumar, MD, CMD, FACP, chief medical officer of Symbria in Warrenville, Ill. “Even though we are well into the third decade of meaningful EHR [electronic health record] use, we still have discordant records, and what happens in the hospital doesn’t always filter back to the nursing home, and vice versa.”

Read more at https://bit.ly/3pi1sRG

Gerontological Nurse Training Increases Quality Outcomes!

And Key Performance Measures Prove It!

AHCA/NCAL research shows SNFs with ANCC Board Certified RNs have:
* Higher Average SNF VBP Scores
* Fewer Rehospitalizations
* Fewer Survey Deficiencies
* Lower Off-label Use of Antipsychotics
* Higher CMS 5-Star Ratings

Save $200 through November 15, 2021 with promo code “INSPIRE21”

Find out more at https://www.geronurseprep.com/

Pandemic Takes its Toll on Sleep

During the pandemic, sleep was in short order for many people. In one survey, 56 percent of U.S. adults said they have experienced more sleep disturbances—ranging from problems falling or staying asleep to having disturbing dreams or nightmares—in the past year and a half. In fact, this has been so common, the phenomenon has been given a name—COVID-somnia.

Pandemic-related sleep issues haven’t discriminated. Young and old people alike report some sleep-related problem. Long term and post-acute care centers not only need to identify and address sleep disturbances in their residents but in their staff as well.

See the full article at https://bit.ly/3DWPXE1

National Skilled Nursing Care Week

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The theme for National Skilled Nursing Care Week (NSNC​​W) 2021 is “Together Through the Seasons.” NSNCW will take place May 9-15, 2021, and the theme​ will honor the collaborative commitment of skilled nursing care facilities and their staff in providing compassionate care to their residents during this unprecedented time.

Over the past year, despite the challenges of the pandemic, skilled care centers and their staff have shown an incredible and steadfast commitment to providing quality care and ensuring the safety of their residents.
NSNCW 2021 will focus on this collective effort and the amazing strength and dedication of those who work tirelessly every day to care for and protect frail, elderly, and disabled adults in long term care. With each new season comes new beginnings, new strategies, and new information. Together we will get through this and together we will begin to heal.
Find out more, and download the “2021 NSNCW Planning Guide and Product Catalog” at https://www.ahcancal.org/Education-Events/Pages/NSNCW.aspx

Careers in Aging Week will be held April 18-24, 2021

The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) hosts Careers in Aging Week every year to raise awareness about the diverse careers available in the field of aging.

People are living longer and populations are aging worldwide. The demand for professionals with expertise in aging is growing rapidly. Careers in Aging Week (CIAW) is observed every year by businesses, clinics, coalitions, organizations, universities, colleges, and other parties across the world. The goal of CIAW is to bring greater awareness and visibility to the wide-ranging career opportunities in the field of aging

For additional information and resources please go to https://www.geron.org/programs-services/careers-in-aging-week

National Skilled Nursing Care Week

The theme for National Skilled Nursing Care Week (NSNC​​W) 2021 is “Together Through the Seasons.” NSNCW will take place May 9-15, 2021, and the theme​ will honor the collaborative commitment of skilled nursing care facilities and their staff in providing compassionate care to their residents during this unprecedented time.

Find out how you can participate by going to https://www.ahcancal.org/Education-Events/Pages/NSNCW.aspx

How to Celebrate Certified Nurses Day on March 19th

Every March 19, employers, certification boards, education facilities, and healthcare providers celebrate and publicly acknowledge nurses who earn and maintain the highest credentials in their specialty.

Certified Nurses Day™ honors nurses worldwide who contribute to better patient outcomes through national board certification in their specialty. A registered nurse (RN) license allows nurses to practice. Certification affirms advanced knowledge, skill, and practice to meet the challenges of modern nursing.

Inspired by Dr. Margretta ‘Gretta’ Madden Styles, RN, EdD, FAAN, a pioneer in nursing certification, Certified Nurses Day is the perfect opportunity to invite all nurses to advance their career by choosing certification.

Find out how you can help celebrate at https://www.nursingworld.org/education-events/certified-nurses-day/

Is your facility prepared for returning families?

If all goes well, over the next few weeks there will be an increasing number of family members visiting their loved ones in the nursing home, many for the first time in a year. Along with the joy and relief of these reunions, we can expect to observe a great deal of sadness over time lost with elders. Here are some tips on how to prepare.


AHCA/NCAL Updates Medicare 3-Day Stay and Benefit Period Waivers Fact Sheet and FAQs

AHCA/NCAL recently updated the COVID-19-related 3-Day Stay and Benefit-Period Waivers for Medicare Part A SNF PPS fact sheet and frequently asked questions (FAQ) resource. Key updates to the file consist of a notification that the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), which can be extended in 90-day increments, was recently extended through at least April 21, 2021. Additionally, a link to an AHCA/NCAL 45-minute webinar on these waivers and 11 new AHCA/NCAL-developed FAQs providing additional clarifications on common waiver-related questions submitted are included.
Examples of topics covered in the updated fact sheet and new FAQs include:
  • ​Will Medicare Part A cover asymptomatic beneficiaries that have a positive COVID-19 test result or have received the COVID-19 vaccine and have had a reaction?
  • Various waiver-related coverage and billing scenarios.
Providers are encouraged to review these updates and share with applicable clinical and billing staff.