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GeroNursePrep Outcomes
An important new member benefit for the challenging road ahead
Our central aims are to anticipate member needs, advocate on your behalf and help you elevate quality in long-term care. This new AHCA/NCAL member benefit ticks all the boxes. It also fits the quality and workforce initiatives of our association.
We’ve teamed with a nationally accredited provider of continuing nursing education so that you can provide advanced gerontological training to your key RN staff. This learning program:
- solves an urgent training shortage today and prepares you for soaring geriatric care demand over the next two decades as huge waves of baby boomers retire each year.
- has already proven itself in multiple dividends for nurses, residents and facility owners/administrator
What RN said..
Nursing Shortage
Gero Nurse Prep Program Director
Gero Nurse Prep Module 2 Power Points
We have incorporated optional PowerPoint review presentations into Module 2! If you have already completed Module 2, you do not need to go back to view the presentations; however, you are more than welcome to check them out! If you have already completed Module 2, you may find these presentations helpful as you prepare for the certification exam.
For questions and concerns, please call 402-559-6565 or email:
Introduction to Gero Nurse Prep
WHAT: AHCA/NCAL Gerontological Nurse Certification Prep Course
Gero Prep expertly equips RNs to pass the national Gerontological Certification exam:
- Created expressly to expand the knowledge, skills, competencies, personal and professional growth of registered nurses (RNs) in long-term care facilities.
- Prepares RNs for attainment of national certification as Gerontological Nurses (credential RN-BC: Registered Nurse—Board Certified) through rigorous testing by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).
- National certification is a badge of quality. It signifies the highest standard of clinical and leadership excellence. And it assures employers, residents and families of quality nursing care.
- In facilities employing certified RNs, key quality indicators — including patient outcomes, patient satisfaction and RN satisfaction — have shown marked improvement.
- To date, RNs who’ve taken this Gero Prep Course have a 96% exam pass rate.
Workforce environment complicated by a critical nursing shortage
The nursing shortage that pervades the U.S. exhibits itself at all levels — local, state and national. No large metro or small town is immune — and the problem is most severe is rural areas. The current jobs downturn has disguised the problem — but the deficit remains real and serious.
The problem is not lack of interest in nursing as a career. Just the opposite. Across the U.S., qualified applicants far exceed capacity to educate them. The long-standing problem: insufficient facilities, student slots and faculty to train them. While nursing schools everywhere have scrambled to increase capacity, to prepare more nurses faster, the problem won’t be solved soon. Projections call for a nursing deficit through 2030.