NEW Discussion Boards

Discussion Board
New Interactive Feature! We have added an interactive student discussion board to each module! Start in the Introduction section with a meet and greet discussion board. Then, as you complete each module, visit the discussion board to share your ideas and learn new ideas from your peers around the globe! Start now! Join the discussion! Introduce Yourself (Click Here)

Dementia Care Conference

Heidi Keeler, Gero Nurse Prep faculty, is presenting a breakout session on how to increase quality of care in the long term setting at the annual Dementia Care Conference on March 22, 2013 in La Vista, NE. The conference is sponsored by the Midlands Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, and will be attended by area experts, health care providers, facility administrators, and family interested in how to care for older adults with cognitive decline. Take a look at the following link to learn more about the conference: Dementia Care Confrence

A Forecast: Long Term And Post-Acute Care

As President Obama prepared to give his State of the Union address on Tuesday evening, Provider asked Gov. Mark Parkinson, president and chief executive officer of the American Health Care Association, to draw upon his experience as both a long term care owner/operator, and as a former policymaker, to assess the state of long term and post-acute care today.

In this eight-minute video, Parkinson answers five questions from Managing Editor Meg LaPorte that frame the pressing issues facing the nation as they impact nursing homes.

From the impending cuts to Medicare rates, how providers are working to improve quality care, to what his organization is doing to avert further cuts to Medicare and Medicaid funding, Parkinson is pragmatic and succinct in his forecast as he forecasts the near future in his approach.


Live Poll

Live Poll LIVE POLL! Gero Nurse Prep wants to know what you think about current issues in gerontological nursing! Answer our live poll question, and instantly see what your fellow nurses think! Available NOW at (log-in required).

NEW Support Center

In order to better serve our learners, Gero Nurse Prep has launched a new Support Center! The new system utilizes a ticket system. Each learner will be able to submit a request for assistance or general questions online. Each request will be assigned a ticket number which the learner can use to track the progress and responses online. The Support Center link can be found on the main landing page and within the course site in multiple places for easy access. All that is needed to submit your request is a valid email address!