NPUAP Hosts Free Webinar in support of World Wide Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day

The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) is proud to announce that World Wide Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day is to be celebrated on November 19, 2015 from 1:00-2:00 PM Eastern Time.

Online Registration-


For more information on World Wide Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day check out the extensive materials package at below URL:

UNMC gerontology nursing program ranked nationally

Wow! We are so proud of our gerontology program here at Gero Nurse Prep! We continually collaborate within our faculty team to produce our course material. You can rest easy knowing that you are receiving information from faculty who are nationally recognized and experienced in caring for elders.

Read more about it here:

Miss Colorado skips the song and dance, talks about nursing

During her routine at this week’s Miss America pageant, Miss Colorado decided to trade her makeup and dress for a stethoscope and scrubs to show the judges her heart more than her talent.

In a break from the usual comedy routines, song and dance, Kelley Johnson, 22, delivered the rare monologue during the talent portion of the pageant on Wednesday night at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J., about her work as a nurse.

Johnson is a registered nurse, who graduated as the valedictorian of her nursing class at Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa. During her monologue, she talked about her work with a patient named Joe, who was in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s and often suffered from night terrors.

Watch video here on YouTube


The Need for Specialty

Take a look at this article that addresses the importance of specialty training in geriatric care. It stresses interdisciplinary work and knowledge of how elder care differs from younger adults. With the declining rate of those trained in elder care, we need more nurses who can fill this gap.


Live webinar Opportunity!

The webinar below provides advanced information on medications and treatment for dementia.

There is a fee involved ($49), but it provides 2 ANCC contact hours, and 2 ANCC pharmacology contact hours. This webinar is presented directly by the ANCC. UNMC was not involved in the webinar development.


National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Hosts Webinar on June 11th

Join the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) for this free webinar on Reducing Pressure Ulcers. Our very own GNP faculty member Joyce Black will be one of the presenters.


  • Nurses
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Physicians
  • Physician Assistants
  • Physical Therapists
  • Physical Therapist Assistants
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Dietitians
  • Government Employees
  • Policy Makers
  • Researchers
  • Educators

NATIONAL PRESSURE ULCER ADVISORY PANEL (NPUAP) serves as the authoritative voice for improved patient outcomes in pressure ulcer prevention and treatment through public policy, education and research.


 GNP faculty member Joyce Black will be one of the presenters for Reducing Pressure Ulcers
GNP faculty member Joyce Black will be one of the presenters for Reducing Pressure Ulcers

Go to page- for registration and  more details

Certified Nurses Improve Facility Quality

Training for gerontological certification turns out to be a win-win proposition for nurses, administrators, and residents.

Registered nurse (RN) staff are in a unique position to affect quality in long term care settings at the bedside and to influence the care delivered by both individual staff members and the team as a whole.
RN staff in long term care settings need to have well-focused clinical assessment and judgment skills, as they are usually the primary assessor of the patient. Medical support is not always immediately accessible, so the nursing staff must analyze clinical situations and have the confidence to make decisions concerning when residents need additional care.