New Interactive Features

We have added new interactive features!
• Certification exam test simulator! This 50 question simulator is designed to give you timed test practice just as it will be during your ANCC certification exam! The simulator in the End of Course Activities section, and is available when you are finished with all 10 modules, 4 milestones, end of course comprehensive posttest, and course evaluations. Remember, practice makes perfect! And in this case, practice makes confident, board-certified nurses!
• End of Course Forum! This is where you can share course tips, test experiences, and other nursing experiences with fellow Gero Nurse Prep students. We would love to know about your success with the ANCC certification exam and beyond! Help others to succeed by sharing your course experiences with us! Join the discussion!

NEW Discussion Boards

Discussion Board
New Interactive Feature! We have added an interactive student discussion board to each module! Start in the Introduction section with a meet and greet discussion board. Then, as you complete each module, visit the discussion board to share your ideas and learn new ideas from your peers around the globe! Start now! Join the discussion! Introduce Yourself (Click Here)

Dementia Care Conference

Heidi Keeler, Gero Nurse Prep faculty, is presenting a breakout session on how to increase quality of care in the long term setting at the annual Dementia Care Conference on March 22, 2013 in La Vista, NE. The conference is sponsored by the Midlands Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, and will be attended by area experts, health care providers, facility administrators, and family interested in how to care for older adults with cognitive decline. Take a look at the following link to learn more about the conference: Dementia Care Confrence